SMRI has extensive experience in developing and delivering sports-based learning solutions across numerous business sectors. Everyone likes sports and sports teach what normal education and training can’t teach. We use sports as a tool for accelerated learning. We have great insight and a deep understanding of the challenges the high-paced corporate world faces. Our results-oriented and interactive training will help your team to meet those challenges and to unlock your team’s potential.

Organizations in the sports industry can use our expertise to transform their businesses by empowering their employees with the advanced skills required to succeed in sports.

Focus Areas

  • Administrative Skills
  • Business Enhancement Skills
  • Business Writing/Technical Writing
  • Career Management
  • Communication Skills/Presentation Skills
  • Creativity/Thinking/Innovation
  • Customer Service/Marketing/Sales
  • Human Resource Management
  • Induction Training for Business/Colleges
  • Leadership/Supervisory Skills
  • Life skills / Soft skills
  • Personal Branding/Perception Management
  • Project Management
  • Small talk/Networking/Social Media
  • Strategic Planning
  • Zen Business Principles
  • & more topics you want