Hybrid Water Sports League
Hybrid Water Sports League Playing sports provides important benefits for young and old alike, ranging from improvement in fitness and health to the development of team spirit and feelings of accomplishment. Find a sport that you love and you’ll stick with it while at the same time learning some essential life lessons and reaping positive […]
Hybrid Water Sports League
Playing sports provides important benefits for young and old alike, ranging from improvement in fitness and health to the development of team spirit and feelings of accomplishment. Find a sport that you love and you’ll stick with it while at the same time learning some essential life lessons and reaping positive rewards.
People are always looking for new sporting opportunities and because of their desire for new sports, new sports are originating regularly. Now Synergians are going to introduce various new hybrid sports in India, like water basketball, water volleyball, water badminton, underwater hockey (octopush) and underwater wrestling (aquathlon). India, especially Kerala is popular for various water sports. This will be an added fun and leisure for all who like water, basketball, volleyball, badminton, hockey and wrestling.
SMRI will launch water basketball, water volleyball, water throwball, water badminton, underwater hockey (octopush) and underwater wrestling (aquathlon) leagues soon as sports business models.