“When was the last time you celebrated Indian Independence Day?”

We asked this question to many Indians and we found that most Indians did not celebrate or did not get the opportunity to celebrate Independence Day after they left their school. India is the world’s largest democracy. India’s freedom struggle moulded modern India and it inspired the freedom struggles of many other countries. But unfortunately, we forget to celebrate our nation’s independence, which is the fruit of the struggles and sacrifices of our ancestors.

Independence Day is an opportunity to remember and show gratitude to great Indians whose selfless sacrifices brought us freedom. Independence Day is the right occasion to remember the significance of independence and to take the oath to protect our freedom.

Let’s celebrate Indian Independence Week (August 14 to August 20) to

  • create awareness among Indians of the values of India and Independence
  • promote the importance of following the Fundamental duties to protect our Fundamental Rights and independence.
  • make India the best in the world
  • give every Indian the opportunity to celebrate Indian Independence Day

This celebrations are created with sports psychology tools to inspire Indians to perform the best

Indian Independence Week celebrations

  • 14th August- Celebrating Freedom at Midnight. India got freedom at midnight. So, we can awake for India and celebrate it with games, music, lights, balloons, cutting cakes and gifting cakes, sweets, sports goods and clothes.
  • 15th August- Independence Day celebrations
  • 16th August- Made in India Day. We can celebrate MADE IN INDIA DAY to show the world the quality, superiority, and significance of Made in India products.
  • 17th August- Study in India Day. ‘STUDY IN INDIA’ MOVEMENT aims to make India a favourite learning destination of the world.
  • 18th August- I Can India Can Day. The ‘I CAN. INDIA CAN’ DAY aims to remind every Indian that we are all equal and everyone can do wonders. We can make India a better place to live and excel by ourselves.
  • 19th August- Fundamental Duties Day. The FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES DAY aims to create awareness among Indians of the importance of following our fundamental duties.
  • 20th August- My dream for India Day. MY DREAM FOR INDIA DAY aims to motivate Indians to dream for India or to connect their dreams with the betterment of India. It also aims to motivate Indians to awake from sleep and to work to realize their dreams.

How to celebrate the INDIAN INDEPENDENCE WEEK?

Download the below documents to learn the ways to celebrate Indian Independence Week.

Click on the image below to read/download the document

Indian Independence Day Week Logos

You can use the Indian Independence Day Week Logos in your posters and banners to promote Indian Independence Week in your organization and community.  Download the zip file you get the logos

Click the below picture to download the logos

How to Celebrate 


HIBI EDEN, Member of Parliament from Ernakulam, Kerala who felt the need to empower and engage the Indian youth to be Smart Indians has instructed the Sports & Management Research Institute (SMRI) to study it. The Sports Psychology Department of Sports & Management Research Institute (SMRI) conducted a detailed study and developed the ‘A GAME FOR INDIA’ project. INDIAN INDEPENDENCE WEEK is one of the components of the ‘A GAME FOR INDIA’ project which JCI COCHIN supports.

For support

For more details and guidance to celebrate Indian Independence Week, please contact us at +91 8139005259 or projects@playsmri.in